The Territorial Hazard Mitigation Council (THMC) was first established in 2002. The THMC is appointed by the Governor and was created to act as the authority of the American Samoa Hazard Mitigation Plan as mandated by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, as required by Section 322 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act promulgated through Public Law 106-390.
The THMC ensures that policies and projects are implemented which are adequate to mitigate the risk to life and property from natural hazards. The THMC identifies and prioritizes hazard mitigation projects and oversees the implementation of the American Samoa Hazard Mitigation Plan and subsequent plans are adopted by the Territorial Hazard Mitigation Council.
1. Assist the Governor’s Office and The Government of American Samoa in identifying hazard mitigation issues and opportunities facing the Territory of American Samoa for the purpose of developing a comprehensive hazard mitigation strategy.
2. Prepare strategies, policies, and reports on hazard mitigation issues, including hazard mitigation policy recommendations to the Governor, the Fono, and key territorial agencies involved in mitigation related areas within their normal agency missions.
3. Ensure that territorial agencies collaborate and cooperate fully to develop and execute sustainable hazard mitigation actions that will reduce the risks posed by all hazards to the Territory.
4. Coordinate with and support territorial agencies’ efforts in obtaining and administering federal and other grants, including post-disaster mitigation grants available pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, for the purposes of promoting hazard mitigation opportunities within the Territory.
5. Identify and prioritize mitigation activities, on an annual basis, for funding under the Building Resilient and Infrastructure Communities (BRIC), Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), and other mitigation funds that become available.
6. Encourage and support the solicitation of grant support through other Territorial agencies for hazard mitigation activities.