Hazard Mitigation Plan
The American Samoa Hazard Mitigation Plan provides a comprehensive mitigation strategy for prioritizing projects, programs, activities that will save lives and reduce losses from the impacts of natural disasters.
This plan defines and analyzes roles and responsibilities, local capabilities, assess risk and vulnerabilities as well as provide a framework for informed decision-making regarding prioritization of mitigation projects that will ensure the protection of life and property.
In addition, this plan fulfills the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) requirement for a mitigation planning process that first, ensures federal assistance to the people of American Samoa following future significant disasters, and second, allows the American Samoa Government to compete for federal mitigation program assistance annually.
FEMA Region IX, Mitigation Division has approved the American Samoa Hazard Mitigation Plan effective June 9th, 2020, in accordance with planning requirements of Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Section 201.4, Standard Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Chapters for download below.
Cover, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents, Adoption (579 kb)
Chapter 1
Introduction (335 kb)
Chapter 2
Planning Area Profile (826 kb)
Chapter 3
Planning Process (873 kb)
Chapter 4
Risk Assessment (9.7 mb)
Chapter 5
Capability Assessment (828 kb)
Chapter 6
Mitigation Strategy (815 kb)
Chapter 7
Plan Maintenance Process (180 kb)
Appendices (3.2 mb)